William H. Crawford

William Harris Crawford (24. februar 1772-15. september 1834) var en vigtig amerikansk politiker og dommer i begyndelsen af det 19. århundrede. Han var USA's krigsminister fra 1815 til 1816 og USA's finansminister fra 1816 til 1825, og han var kandidat til posten som USA's præsident i 1824.



I 1875 optrådte Crawford på en 50 cent seddel.

Byen Crawfordsville, Indiana, samt Crawford County, Illinois; Crawford County, Iowa; Crawford County, Missouri; Crawford County, Arkansas; Crawford County, Wisconsin; Crawfordville, Georgia; og Crawford County, Georgia, er opkaldt efter Crawford.

På kabinetsniveau

Knox - Pickering - McHenry - Dexter - Dearborn - Eustis - Armstrong - Monroe - W. H. Crawford - Calhoun - Barbour - P. B. Porter - Eaton - Cass - Poinsett - Bell - Bell - Spencer - J. M. Porter - Wilkins - Marcy - G. W. Crawford - Conrad - J. Davis - Floyd - Holt - S. Cameron - Stanton - Schofield - Rawlins - Belknap - A. Taft - J. Cameron - McCrary - Ramsey - Lincoln - Endicott - Proctor - Elkins - Lamont - Alger - Root - W. H. Taft - Wright - Dickinson - Stimson - Garrison - Baker - Weeks - D. F. Davis - Good - Hurley - Dern - Woodring - Stimson - Patterson - Royall

Emblem of the Department of War

Flag of the Secretary of the Army


Royall - Gray - Pace - Stevens - Brucker - Stahr - Vance - Ailes - Resor - Froehlke - Callaway - Hoffmann - Alexander - Marsh - Stone - Shannon - Sullivan - West - Walker - Caldera - Dahlberg - Westphal - White - Brownlee - Harvey - Harvey - Geren - McHugh - Fanning - Murphy - Esper - McCarthy

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Hamilton - Wolcott - Dexter - Gallatin - Campbell - Dallas - Crawford - Rush - Ingham - McLane - Duane - Taney - Woodbury - Ewing - Forward - Spencer - Bibb - Walker - Meredith - Corwin - Guthrie - Cobb - Thomas - Dix - Chase - Fessenden - McCulloch - Boutwell - Richardson - Bristow - Morrill - Sherman - Windom - Folger - Gresham - McCulloch - Manning - Fairchild - Windom - Foster - Carlisle - Gage - Shaw - Cortelyou - MacVeagh - McAdoo - Glass - Houston - Mellon - Mills - Woodin - Morgenthau - Vinson - Snyder - Humphrey - Anderson - Dillon - Fowler - Barr - Kennedy - Connally - Shultz - Simon - Blumenthal - Miller - Regan - Baker - Brady - Bentsen - Rubin - Summers - O'Neill - Snow - Paulson - Geithner - Lew - Mnuchin

Seal of the United States Department of the Treasury


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Langdon - Lee - Langdon - Izard - H Tazewell - Livermore - Bingham - Bradford - Read - Sedgwick - Laurance - Ross - Livermore - Tracy - Howard - Hillhouse - Baldwin - Bradley - Brown - Brown - Franklin - Anderson - Smith - Bradley - Milledge - Gregg - Gaillard - Pope - Crawford - Varnum - Gaillard - Barbour - Gaillard - Macon - Smith - L Tazewell - White - Poindexter - Tyler - W R King - Southard - Mangum - Sevier - Atchison - W R King - Atchison - Cass - Bright - Stuart - Bright - Mason - Rusk - Fitzpatrick - Bright - Fitzpatrick - Foot - Clark - Clark - Foster - Wade - Anthony - Carpenter - Anthony - Ferry - Thurman - Bayard - Davis - Edmunds - Sherman - Ingalls - Manderson - Harris - Ransom - Harris - Frye - (Special: Bacon - Curtis - Gallinger - Brandegee - Lodge) - Clarke - Saulsbury - Cummins - Moses - Pittman - W H King - Harrison - Glass - McKellar - Vandenberg - McKellar - Bridges - George - Hayden - Russell - Ellender - Eastland - Magnuson - Young - Magnuson - Thurmond - Stennis - Byrd - Thurmond - Thurmond - Byrd - Thurmond - Byrd - Byrd - Stevens - Byrd - Inouye - Leahy - Hatch - Grassley

Seal of the United States Senate President Pro Tempore

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Præsident James Madison's kabinet (1809 - 1817)


George Clinton (1809 - 1812) - Elbridge Gerry (1813 - 1814)


Robert Smith (1809 - 1811) - James Monroe (1811 - 1814) (1815 - 1817)

Minister for finanser

Albert Gallatin (1809 - 1814) - George W. Campbell (1814) - Alexander J. Dallas (1814 - 1816) - William H. Crawford (1816 - 1817)


William Eustis (1809 - 1813) - John Armstrong, Jr. (1813 - 1814) - James Monroe (1814 - 1815) - William H. Crawford (1815 - 1816)


Caesar A. Rodney (1809 - 1811) - William Pinkney (1811 - 1814) - Richard Rush (1814 - 1817)

Minister for flåden

Paul Hamilton (1809 - 1813) - William Jones (1813 - 1814) - Benjamin Williams Crowninshield (1814 - 1817)


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Præsident James Monroes kabinet (1817 - 1825)


Daniel D. Tompkins (1817 - 1825)

James Monroe, fifth President of the United States


John Quincy Adams (1817 - 1825)

Minister for finanser

William H. Crawford (1817 - 1825)


John C. Calhoun (1817 - 1825)


Richard Rush (1817) - William Wirt (1817 - 1825)

Minister for flåden

Benjamin Williams Crowninshield (1817 - 1818) - Smith Thompson (1819 - 1823) - Samuel L. Southard (1823 - 1825)


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